River Cult         By:Silent Invictus

This was an assignment to write a ballad.  This is a companion piece to 'I am a River'.

How could they say that?

Join me

Face cold without a hat

Come to the river


Tears falling all around

Join me

Feet pounding to the ground

Come to the river


Legs collapsing all aquiver

Join me

Resting lightly like a feather

Come to the river


Slipping down, sliding

Join me

Pulling hard, tugging

Come to the river


Screaming into the black

Join me

Water has what she does lack

Come to the river


Pictures flash before her eyes

Join me

Of living life full of lies

Come to the river


Fish pass before eyes un-gleaming

Join me

Swimming in a world un-breathing

Come to the river


Sinking up to the air

Join me

To cold wind laying bare

Come to the river.